Erasmus+ KA2 project VESVET

Erasmus+ KA2 project VESVET

Erasmus+ KA2 project VESVET

LEVEL 5 for Validation of Entrepreneurship Skills through Interactive Learning Sets in VET

No. 2018-1-LT01-KA202-047072

The project aims to foster VET students employability enhancing entrepreneurship competence development and validation in VET schools. The project intends to improve professional entrepreneurial competences. This will be improved by means of a good professional orientation and of the internationalization of the professional experience. VET student’s self-evaluation methodology will let to evaluate professional entrepreneurial competences and validate/recognize the skills that should be reinforced in order to improve missing competences.

Fostering the entrepreneurship competences, initiative and employability project seeks to develop  an Entrepreneurship skills training course for students with modeled situations using gamified set of tasks in various practice situations. By developing a set of training and learning material the VESVET is seeking to increase students entrepreneurship skills and to adapt to the real demands of companies and enterprises. This learning course will be designed with the purpose of qualifying VET learners to improve and validate their own entrepreneurial competencies. The project as well envisaged also to develop trainees’ adaptation guide – a Professional Practice Supervisor Handbook with video scripts for companies that admit students to practice work.
This project contextualizes principles of the Europe 2020 strategy in the education sector – in particular – to encourage creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship.

 Please read more information in the project website
