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MaTHiSiS was a 36-month project funded by the European Union under the H2020 work programme aimed to assist the educational process for learners and their tutors and caregivers by creating a novel and continuously adaptable “robot/machine/computer” and human interaction ecosystem. This system aims to enhance vocational training, workplace learning and mainstream education. The project was implemented by the MaTHiSiS consortium that consists of 18 partners from 9 different Member States. The consortium included research centres, universities, public administrations, and big and small companies.
From a technological aspect, the MaTHiSiS project was making use of cutting-edge technologies that range from specialized robots and mobile devices, to interactive whiteboards, and advance these to a greater degree of integration into the market. As a result having the “ICT use in Education” market in mind MaTHiSiS creates a whole new educational ecosystem-as-a-product, seamlessly adaptable to specific needs.